WOW finally crossing the finish line..
The last day has finally come. Honestly, it is kind of bittersweet. Surprisingly I actually enjoyed posting on this blog and keeping whoever is reading this updated. This blog allowed me to express my every thought without limitations which was refreshing for once. This project has taught me how to delegate my time, better by procrastination habits, and ultimately gave me a peek into the film industry.
I began this journey, scrambling for an idea to pop up in my head. The stress of finding a concept that would work well enough to impress or satisfy Ms. Stoklosa was enough stress to last me the rest of the testing season. I researched countless romantic comedies to aid in my character development and overall film. The filming process for this opening was a bumpy road but we managed in the end. From our location being changed the day before filming, to our group member not showing up, somehow we ended up creating one heck of a project,
Looking back to the beginning of the year, I have grown so much in this class. I knew so little about the media world and never imagined having such an interest in it by the end. I am debating on taking the A level next year and am leaning more towards the possibility. I took this course to get a credit out of the way for the AICE diploma and somehow without me realizing it, it quickly became the only class I did not mind listening to lecture in. Media studies intrigues me and I could see myself having a career in the media world. I am thankful to Mrs. Stoklosa for giving us this opportunity to experience a taste of what making a film is like and for her passion when teaching us. Every time I step into class I feel that she enjoys teaching us and so for that, it is the one class I do not complain about going to.
This is my official signing-out blog. Typically I would say, " I will keep you posted blog", but those words can no longer be said. Hopefully, I am back next year but until then, I'll see you later blog.
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