Another Project.......
CCR (Creative Critical Reflection)
Last week Mrs. Stoklosa introduced to us the CCR. To be honest I was expecting a few hundred words reflecting on our experience through our project. But wow I was so wrong. I am pretty stressed about this project because we only have three weeks left to finish everything and now I have to add to making TWO whole new videos to my to-do list. I have been brainstorming ideas about this project and I think my goal is to have the whole CCR done by the end of spring break that way I have ample time to film and edit my videos. Its too stressful to leave for when we get back. By that time I will be in testing mode and won't want to worry about scheduling. Here are the notes we took in class to give you a guideline about what we learned.
Reflect: Reflect on planning production and final product
Respond to questions: Elaborate response to all four questions
Express Peronslaity: A creative presentation during which your unique approach should be on display.
- Create a MINIMUM of two products
-Develop creative ways to respond to prompts
-How does your product use or challenge conventions...
-Start by discussing genre conventions or discuss why you challenge( Our rom-com does not challenge)
-Next, discuss representation. Remember, representation refers to the choices made in how individuals, groups, and event are illustrated within a production.
How does your product engage with audiences...
-Discuss how you arrived at your target audience
-Production choices (content, audio)
-Discuss how to plan and make your film available to audiences
-Response should address realistic options for an amateur filmmaker
How did your production skills develop...
-Reflect on how you evolved throughout production
-Discuss how you began research and production( what did you have to change and adapt)
-End with reflection on where you started and where you ended
-How did you integrate technologies...
-Discuss any technologies you used
-Discuss hardware (camera, lighting, and mics
-Software ( planning tools, blog website, Seltics,)
- Discuss HOW you used the technologies
- Obstacles?
-Solve problems?
-Did you need to learn?
TIPS: Create a script, be as creative as you can, incorporate plenty of creative research. 10 minutes MAX to answer all questions. DO NOT BE A TALKING HEAD.
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