Sunday, March 10, 2024

 Filming/ Editing schedule 

3/11-3/17: Begin filming 3/15
( Use the weekend for anything else we may have missed or need to re-film)
3/18-3/24: Editing week
3/18: Start cutting unwanted clips and putting them in order
3/20: Start working on editing the lighting and mise-en-scene elements)
3/22: Edit credits and title graphics into opening, as well as linking music and other foleys needed
3/25-3/31: Collect group feedback on editing and make necessary changes

My group and I want to have optimal time to edit our video and have as much as we need to get as much footage as we can get. Yes, more footage will make a longer editing process but it will improve the overall outcome. We want to have time to experiment with inserting different clips to see what fits best. So if we stick to this editing schedule it should work out great. We do not have much of a filming schedule because our location is in Ales's aunt's apartment in Miami. Considering that most of us just got our licenses I'd say it's gonna be pretty hard and inconvenient to drive down to Miami every weekend. So we are planning to film everything in one productive day. Wish us luck, and I'll keep you posted like always.. Literally.

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